
Responsible for supporting the Financial Board in the formulation of financial goals and objectives, determining the ways to achieve them. The Financial Department carries out all functions related to Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, carrying out the respective analyses, controls, classifications, distributions and settlements of commitments payable and receivable, executing the Foundation's investment policy. Other duties are:

  • Efficiently forecast, optimize and control all payments and receipts
  • Manage cash flow
  • Together with Accounting, prepare entries for FFM general accounting adjustments
  • Together with the Banking System, keep up with the financial investments of resources under the administration of the Foundation

Responsible: Mrs. Berenice Santos

Phone: +55 11 3016-4814 (Accounts Receivable) / 3016-4806 (Accounts Payable)
E-mail: | |

381 Rebouças Avenue • Cerqueira César • 05401-000 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil

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