Service Charter

FFM develops, supports, manages, and maintains hundreds of Comprehensive Healthcare Assistance, Assistance, Institutional, Research, Innovation, Clinical Studies, and Health Policy Projects through agreements with national and international public and private institutions. This includes hiring researchers and professionals directly assigned to research projects, as well as acquiring materials and equipment.

  • State Agreements

Since 1988, through FFM, an Agreement for Comprehensive Healthcare Assistance to SUS Patients was established with HCFMUSP and the São Paulo State Government. This measure reaffirmed the commitment of the Fundação Faculdade de Medicina to providing quality medical care to the population and supporting HCFMUSP.

Units of the Hospital das Clínicas Complex:

Central Institute – ICHC; 

Outpatient Clinic Building – PAMB; 

 Institute of Psychiatry - IPq;

Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology - IOT;

Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – IMRea; 

Institute for Children and Adolescents – ICr; 

Heart Institute – InCor*; 

Institute of Radiology – InRad; 

Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo “Octávio Frias de Oliveira” – Icesp; 

Perdizes Institute - IPer; 

Medical Investigation Laboratories  – LIM; 

Administration Building – PA; 

Rebouças Convention Center – CCR; 



Laboratory of Teaching, Research and Innovation in Surgery  – LEPIC. 

*The Heart Institute is supported by the Zerbini Foundation.

Click here to access information on State Agreements.

  • Federal Agreements

FFM also maintains federal cooperation agreements signed with the Ministry of Health and with the Brazilian Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (FINEP). 

Click here to access information on Federal Agreements.

  • Management Contracts

Qualified as a social organization by the State of São Paulo and certified as a charitable institution for assistance by the Ministry of Health, FFM manages healthcare units, complying with all regulatory requirements.

- Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo “Octávio Frias de Oliveira” (Icesp) 

The first public hospital dedicated to cancer treatment in the State and the largest in Latin America. Located in the HCFMUSP Complex, Icesp is internationally recognized for studies conducted in its research center. Inaugurated in 2008, the hospital has a satisfaction rate above 90% and has already treated more than 125,000 patients.

Click here to access information on the Management Contract of Icesp.

- Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Institute (IRLM)

Opened in September 2009, IRLM, located in the Morumbi neighborhood, is the largest hospital for the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities under the Unified Health System (SUS) in the State of São Paulo. It was designed to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services for individuals with severe physical disabilities through integrated treatment, equipped with advanced technology and staffed with qualified personnel in diagnostic and therapeutic resources. 

Click here to access information on the Management Contract of IRLM.

- Perdizes Instituto (IPer)

Located in a 23,000 square meter area in Perdizes, where the Auxiliary Hospital Cotoxó operated, the Perdizes Institute was inaugurated in 2022. A portion of its beds is allocated to patients undergoing treatment for alcohol and drug dependence. There is also an inpatient area to support the HCFMUSP Complex. 

Click here to access information on the Management Contract of the Perdizes Institute.

  • Projects and Clinical Studies

FFM supports the development of scientific research within the Academic Health System FMUSP-HC, which is internationally recognized for its scientific output in the healthcare field. The research focuses primarily on understanding, preventing, and treating diseases, with significant applications in optimizing patient care and establishing HCFMUSP as a hub of knowledge generation in the medical and public health domains. 

These studies adhere to rigorous technical, scientific, ethical, and legal standards established by international consensus and involve collaborations with other academic health institutions, both national and international, as well as public and private organizations.

Click here to access the Projects and Clinical Studies developed in 2023.

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