Purchase of Microsoft Softwares

Employees who work at Hospital das Clínicas of the USP Medical School Complex (HCFMUSP) and other units that have support of the Fundação Faculdade de Medicina (FFM) can request the installation of Microsoft software on their work equipment. Check out how the process works:

  • Complete the Purchase Requisition, print, collect signatures and scan. PURCHASE REQUISITION
  • Open a ticket by attaching the scanned request. OPEN TICKET
  • Write down the number of the call in the Original and send it to TI FFM (Rebouças, 381). FOLLOW TOUR TICKET
  • If you do not have a user to open the ticket, send an e-mail to suporte@ffm.br informing e- mail, full name, Institute and contact telephone number for registration.

381 Rebouças Avenue • Cerqueira César • 05401-000 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil

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