Scope and Capabilities

Other Assistance Initiatives

Always committed to its mission to support the FMUSP-HC Academic Health System in favor of providing excellent health care to the population, FFM is currently developing, together with HCFMUSP, eight special assistance projects of great relevance, namely:

  • The Adult and Pediatric Kidney Transplant Project, which is carried out by the Division of Urology at HCFMUSP and is aimed at 375 patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
  • The Protocol for the Treatment of Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate, which offers surgical procedures, outpatient care and speech therapy assistance to patients
  • The Student Financial Support Program (AFINAL Scholarship), which provides financial assistance to FMUSP low income students
  • The Actions of the Center for Emergency Care in Reconstructive Microsurgery and Hand Surgery of the IOT of HCFMUSP (CEMIM), which are aimed at patients with highly complex trauma
  • The Endoscopy and Hepatology Service of the Núcleo de Gestão Assistencial (NGA) Várzea do Carmo, which provides care to secondary patients of the SUS and is carried out through agreements signed with SES-SP, FFM and HCFMUSP, through the Clinical Gastroenterology
  • Support for the Emílio Ribas Institute, which aims at carrying out laboratory services by the ICHC Central Laboratory
  • The implementation of the State Network of High-Cost Medication Dispensing Centers (CEDMAC), which is focused on dispensing immunobiological medications in Rheumatology
  • The ICESP Rehabilitation Service, which is aimed at assisting people with disabilities, whether transitory or permanent

381 Rebouças Avenue • Cerqueira César • 05401-000 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil

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