Service of Information and Assistance to the Internal and External Public (SIA)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm
Telephone: +55 11 3016-4900
Av. Rebouças, 381 - CEP: 05401-000 - São Paulo - SP

To send a resume to Fundação Faculdade de Medicina, access the "Join Us" link located in the center of the top menu.

Locations for delivering documents to the FFM

FFM protocol:
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 - Térreo
Prédio da Administração FMUSP (Aquário)
CEP: 01246-903 - São Paulo - SP
Telephones: +55 11 3089 - 0250 / 3089 - 0251

FFM headquarters:
Av. Rebouças, 381
CEP: 05401-000 - São Paulo - SP
Telephones: +55 11 3016 – 4900